Stephen Golbert is Innocent

Pam Kleb, Brightbart’s EIC, pursues the Truth everywhere Trumphers aren’t.

All you Trumpsters who think Colbert was so bad and sneaky to get his people smuggled into the Capitol by Stephen Schiff have a wake-up call coming. Colbert was just trying to film a harmless skit for his TV show. Maybe he shouldn’t have. But what a leading GOP member of the House did two days BEFORE was far far worse.
With perfect timing after a long day’s House session involving televised hearings and multiple on-camera communications with MSNBC, CNN, and GMA hosts, and representatives Pelosi and Cheney finally had an opportunity to go to the Ladies Room and remove their heavy TV makeup, this deplorable GOP House member pulled the dirtiest trick ever. He connived the unauthorized admission into the Capitol of a TG photographer wearing a Tahari suit and led them to the Ladies Room, whereupon this person entered a stall and waited for the congresswomen to finish washing their faces. Then he stepped from the stall, held up a small film camera, and asked them both to say “Cheese.” He filmed them both in turn while they stood blinking in surprise and tapped out of the bathroom on stiletto heels.
By evening, individual frames from this film had been published across the Internet by numerous right-wing seditious media outlets attempting to damage the credibility of these incredibly patriotic Congresspeople. This is an irredeemable crime against Pelosi and Cheney. It may even amount to sedition.

The search for the identity of the offending Congressman is underway. You have my assurances that I am on the case and will not rest until the malefactor is named.


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