Our Mission
Our Editor in Chief, Pam “The Ma’am” Kleb EDITORS STATEMENT OF MISSION Here at the newly minted Brightbelt News organization, our mission is to assemble a staff of nominal (i.e., one-time paid) conservative journalists and media analysts to present the undiscovered progressive narrative our generally untutored audience should be learning more about. In so doing we intend to deliver a knockout punch to the right-wing fake news outlets that are incompetently attempting to convince Republicans that a four-year anomaly is somehow more authentic than the party’s 30+ year record of seeking the issue positions that are best for the future of the entire planet. That archaic throwback party is over. Time to wake up and smell the 21st century latte, as it were. You’ll see. Signed, Our Championship Staff Editors: Nicole “Pegboard” Walrus, Virtue-Signalling Editor (and MNBC Mole) Dana “The Smiler” Pirrana, Bipartisanship Editor (and XOFF News Mole) Alysyn “Red Light” Camera, Lie Checking Edi...